Young Leaders Preparation Camp 2019

  • About Camp:

Al Rajaa Organization concluded the activities of the 3rd Al Rajaa Winter Camp within the Small Leaders Development Program, in the youth city of Hope - Jericho for 3 nights/4 days with the participation of 45 students from Jerusalem under the supervision of a specialized and experienced academic educational staff. The organization of the camp is part of the development and development of students' abilities through activities and events to enable personal leadership concepts that contribute to cultural growth, training in planning and self-management, problem solving and decision-making, and the strength of the team.


The camp included three main themes: life skills, educational tours and recreational and sporting activities. Training workshops have been conducted through the use of learning approaches and techniques through play based on exercise and mobility that contribute to cultural growth and change in behaviors and beliefs, to give students life skills and analyze subjective and societal issues that positively affect their orientation and lead them to social impact and sustainable changes.


  • Figures and Statistics:

The camp targeted 540 participants in the 10-14 age group.