A project implemented by Al-Rajaa Organization in Jerusalem schools with funding from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development throughout 2019. The project sought to strengthen the social fabric by fortifying and establishing positive values, developing positive behavioral, personal and social skills, and developing positive thinking methods among students that enable them to deal positively and effectively in forming a balanced social personality, in addition to leading dialogue between children and their peers and teachers in schools and with their families at home. So that they work together to produce initiatives that enhance the positive environment and preserve the individual and collective identity of Palestinian society in Jerusalem.
The project was implemented in nine schools as follows: Rosary Sisters School, Dar Al-Tifl Al-Arabi School, Al-Matran School, Al-Rawda Al-Hadithah School, Al-Iman School for Boys, Al-Iman School for Girls, Dar Al-Hikma School for Boys, Dar Al-Hikma School for Girls, and Al-Najah Academy School.